Friday, February 10, 2017

Sponsoring an Impoverished Child through Compassion International

Paul Wingfield is a well-established Christian pastor who preaches with White Flag Church in St. Louis, Missouri. Involved in missions that extend worldwide, Pastor Paul Wingfield and his family recently spent time in Ecuador paying visits to children sponsored through Compassion International

Focused on releasing children from lives of poverty, Compassion International relies on monthly donations of $38 per child to enabled holistic, Christ-centered development. Local staff members maintain close contact with individual children and personally ensure that they receive educational and hygiene guidance. Children may receive additional assistance such as health care and supplementary food.

Sponsored children also gain tools of faith, as they participate in church-based programs that offer guidance from Christian adults and take part in monitored recreational activities. They are tutored in their homework and may participate in literacy programs outside of school. In many cases, sponsoring families and the families of those sponsored join together in unifying prayer.